37 weeks of pregnancy

Another possible analysis is the detection of group B streptococcus. This infection is also found in the vagina of a pregnant woman or around the rectum. The child may become infected during childbirth, and in the future he will need inpatient treatment with antibiotics. The analysis allows you to identify the presence of an infection and begin its immediate treatment.

What to watch out for at 37 weeks of pregnancy

If the fetus has retained pelvic presentation by the 37th week of pregnancy, this is most likely to be an indication for delivery by caesarean section. Concomitant negative factors include the mother's physique (narrow hip structure) and a large fetal weight (more than 3,300 g). Caesarean section is prescribed for a number of other reasons, which ultrasound helps to identify at 37 weeks of pregnancy. In particular, indications are lack of water or polyhydramnios, placenta previa or fetal hypoxia.

A pregnant woman should pay special attention to her blood pressure. During this period, the cause of its increase may be late toxicosis. If you find swelling of the arms and legs, regular headaches, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

If the last weeks of childbirth fall during an epidemiologically unfavorable period (as a rule, the autumn-winter months), it is worth making every effort not to get infected with SARS. Firstly, it will simply worsen the condition of a woman during childbirth, and secondly, with a complicated form of the disease, in order to avoid infection, the child may be isolated from the mother immediately after childbirth. And this contradicts the natural postpartum process and the natural location of the mother and child immediately after the birth of the baby. In particular, the opportunity of the first application to the breast is missed, which is extremely important for the formation of the child's immunity and his further physical and psychological development. Therefore, special care should be taken and avoid crowded places, visits to children's groups, hypothermia, etc.

Tips and recommendations for 37 weeks of pregnancy


Recommendations regarding the diet and daily routine for a period of 37 weeks are similar to those that were followed earlier. The advice remains relevant to eat smaller portions, but more often, eating only healthy and balanced food. If there is a risk of swelling, it is better to give up the abuse of fluids. And in cases of insomnia, which often torments a woman in the last stages of pregnancy, it is worth giving up not only strong tea and coffee, but also a hearty meal 3 hours before bedtime. If hunger still bothers, it is better to drink a glass of kefir or eat dried fruits. small dogs in india
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