How It Works

User join into the system
User upgrade membership to add the user
User add user to get multiple bonus
Single Leg MLM Process
Monoline Plan
The Monoline MLM plan is a straight-line MLM plan which contains only one leg for every member. Monoline plan allows users to earn money without doing much hard work/effort.Monoline plan is also known as Linear MLM Plan, This particular MLM plan offers to get a chance to get regular income through the internet aka network of networks. In Monoline MLM plan when a user added a certain number of users, they will get a free re-entry option and this will repeat as a cycle so that user will be getting a regular income.
Referral Bonus
Monoline MLM plan contains referral bonus or sponsor bonus, when a user refers or sponsor another member, he/she will be getting a certain amount of bonus amount.
Rejoin Bonus
This one is a special type of bonus of single-line MLM plan. In Monoline plan, the user will be getting a bonus while they get free re-entry right back into the system. Since this a single-line plan, the user gets many re-entry bonuses when the system grows on and on.